My resolution (take 2)

When I first started blogging way back in the day, I tried to make it a habit to have an entry at least once a week. To that end, I set a weekly alarm on my cell phone, reminding me in simple terms: "Blog." For some reason, that system fell apart, and all that ended up happening was my cell phone ringing every weekend (oftentimes raising my hopes about being popular on a Friday night, only to be disappointed). Well, no more.

From now on, whenever my reminder goes off, I'll write something. This new email system should help out also. Even if I'm busy, I'll write a one sentence post saying something about how busy I am. Eventually, there will be an interesting post.

To this end, I guess I'll write about my 4th of July weekend. Nothing much happened. I did go to a concert and fireworks show at Shoreline with a bunch of Phi Psis. Played 3 hours of tennis with Nick, Stringer, and my brother this afternoon; rallied a wedding reception for a former Dollie and a Drum with the Stanford Band; then watched "Charlie Wilson's War" with my folks. Overall, a nice weekend so far.

And then I found $5.

P.S. Not really.

P.P.S. For both your sake as this blog's reader and my sake as it's focal point, I'll try to make future posts more exciting/insightful/meaningful.

My First Posterous Post

After a little bit of thought, I decided it would be nice to try the whole blogging thing again. For some reason, I stopped updating my first blog, maybe out of time constraints. In any case, I'm hoping Posterous's email format will help make posting easier. Plus, I'm about to embark on my med school journey, so there should be plenty to write about.

Here's to you. Cheers!